Where Did The Idea For The Shape Of The Pyramids Come
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Where Did The Idea For The Shape
Of The Pyramids Come From?
by dreamline,
Mon Feb 22 20:07:40 1999
Much has been discussed about who built the pyramids, how they
built them, when they built them, and why they built them. I'm
not just talking about the pyramids in Egypt, but the pyramids
all over the world. I believe I have discovered the only
plausible explination which will resolve at least one mystery
surrounding the pyramids. I am talking about where the idea for
the shape came from. I was sitting in a chair, thinking about
some abstract ideas when my cat jumped onto my lap. I pushed
him off and returned to my thinking. But my cat would have none
of it. He started pawing at my leg and I finally looked down.
He then rolled on his back and I made an interesting observaion
of his nose, when a cat is lying on his back his nose greatly
resembles the shape of a pyramid. Then I thought, 'There are
cats all over the world, so are the pyramids. Come to think of
it, most ancient civilizations at one point or another
worshipped the cat. Wouldn't that be interesting if t he whole
idea for the pyramids came first from a cat? I mean surely this
is not the case, but at least the shape?' I would be greatly
interested to hear the thoughts of others on this subject,
regardless of theory.

Where Did The Idea For The Shape Of The
Pyramids Come From?
by javierd,
Mon Feb 22 23:25:51 1999
interesting, expcept that...
Cats there were no all over the world in that time.
In america, cats came with the first europeans, i don't know
of other parts of the world, but i don't remember any images of
cats in china or Japan ...
Probably the shape comes form the fact that thats the
easiest way of constructions.
And not all pyramdis are pyramidal. En Cuicuilco there is a
round pyramids, and most mesomerica pyramids had steps.
The chiness pyramids looks liek i has steps, ans also the
german pyramids.

Where Did The Idea For The Shape Of The Pyramids Come
by dreamline,
Tue Feb 23 04:47:59 1999
I know, I was just being stupid. My mother and I came up with the concept,
it was a pipe-dream. I thought it was funny.
Where Did The Idea For The Shape Of The Pyramids Come
by dreamline,
Tue Feb 23 05:12:22 1999
Oh and by the way, I'm talking about the general shape, not every single
contour in the pyramid, just the triangle form. As far as cats all over
the world, there were cats all over the world in the forms of Jaguars,
Tigers, Loins, Wild Cats, etc. 
Where Did The Idea For The Shape Of The Pyramids Come
by shanua,
Tue Feb 23 09:35:35 1999
Imhotep was the first srchtect to creat the forrunner of the pyrimid the

Where Did The Idea For The Shape Of The Pyramids Come
by shanua,
Tue Feb 23 09:41:17 1999
Sorry bout that, am so tired today, can neither type nor see straight.
Of course I meant architect to create the for runner of the first pyrmid.
This is well documented in the pyrimids themself. I can give you more
information, if interested.

Where Did The Idea For The Shape Of The Pyramids Come
by dreamline,
Tue Feb 23 15:35:32 1999
Well yes, I know. But I mean where did the IDEA and INSPIRATION of the
pyramids come from, not who BUILT and DESIGNED them. Oh yes, a cats nose
built and designed the pyramids. And then they all got into a boat and
sailed around the world, spreading their idea. Even for the most eccentric
historian this is a bit ludicrous. Perhaps Ohmenhotep wrote down the initial
plans for the pyramids in Egypt, however this does not explain pyramids
all over the world. Surely shape variations required to satisfy the available
tools is moot when the essential idea for the pyramidal shape is the same.
If you were to draw straight lines from the axis points, it would still
be a perfect triangle. Thus variations may be due to the TYPE of cat inhabiting
the particular region, available tools, or asthetic prefernces. Surely
a reasonable argument cannot be made refuting the clarity of this position.
In conclusion, no one here has stated an argument worthy of consideration
against the INSPIRATION for the pyramid shape.

Where Did The Idea For The Shape Of The Pyramids Come
by vincent,
Tue Feb 23 19:43:31 1999
What shows above the ground it terms of most of the pyramids is one half
of an octahedron. The octahedron has been established from eternity, so
even though we know that this is the form that they used we don't know
what there actual thought were.
See my webpage at:

Where Did The Idea For The Shape Of The Pyramids Come
by dreamline,
Wed Feb 24 05:21:17 1999
You are correct. That is an argument worthy of challenging the ridiculous
theory that my mother and I created.

Where Did The Idea For The Shape Of The Pyramids Come
by charok,
Wed Feb 24 12:16:38 1999
They made little hills bigger and bigger, then decided to make huge ones
with angled sides (maybe so looters couldn't climb up it). Look at the
Native Americans mounds as an early stage. The Inca (or Myan I forget)
only needed step pyramids because they wanted people to go up to the top.

Where Did The Idea For The Shape Of The Pyramids Come
by javierd,
Wed Feb 24 13:10:50 1999
hi I know it is a funny idea, but i was being just a little pedantic :))
Pyramids in america came in various shapes, the ones at
teotihuacan were broader, since most of the material was dirt.
The piramids from the mayas were more step, since they use more
stone. Aztec pyramids were something in between.
And there is alos, the round pyramid in Cuicuilco.
And there were other cultures who made pyramids. Mixtecas,
zapotecas, toltecas, Tajin, Mazahuas, etc. Echas one has
something unique.
Now that i think, i don't remeber any Quechua (inca)
pyramid, ... A will search for ti.
Anoher kind of pyramids were the zigurats from Sumer, and
babylon. We ussually don;t think of the as pyramids because
some reconstruction are really wild.
Somwhere i read that the exact angles form the egyptians
pyramids came form the fact that only a few pyramidal shapes
obtained with square stones.

Where Did The Idea For The Shape Of The
Pyramids Come From?
by dreamline,
Wed Feb 24 14:44:27 1999
Cool. Thanks for your input and time, my mother and I just
wanted to have a little fun with it. Although, I really was
wondering if anyone would respond to such a stupid theory.
Where Did The Idea For The Shape Of The
Pyramids Come From?
by armaetno,
Wed Feb 24 17:16:28 1999
People: Maybe you will find your answer in a site I found
today: "Eguptology Resources". The address is:
www.newton.cam.ac.uk/egypt/ Hope you like it.
One more thing, despite their shape, which looks like the
Egyptian pyramids (therefore the popular name), the structures
that have been found in the Americas arenot pyramids, and have
very little in common with the Egyptian structures. These are
"stepped temples", build over long periods of time. The shape
came from the addition of a new levels on top of existing
Another thing. Although cats were brought to the Americas
by the Europeans explorers in the XVI century (with mice and
rats), there were other species of "cats", like pumas and
jaguars, in the "New World". Many Amerindian societies
considered these as sacred.
Have fun, Armaetno

Where Did The Idea For The Shape Of The Pyramids Come
by javierd,
Thu Feb 25 01:48:19 1999
Each 52 years, a new structure was build over the pyramid, covering the
whole structure, not just a new level, this has make it posible to found
some facades in a very good state of conservations.
And yes, i forgot, that between olmec and mayas the Jaguar
was sacred, although i don,t think i would make it as a
domestic cat :-)
Have fun...
Javier Delgado

Where Did The Idea For The Shape Of The Pyramids Come
by moonlady,
Fri Feb 26 14:50:00 1999
The Inca and related civilizations did not have pyramids. They did build
an amazing fortress called "Sacsuhuaman" which is a symmetrical zig-zag
of stone. It is much bigger in person than it appears in photos!

Where Did The Idea For The Shape Of The Pyramids Come
by liangcheng,
Sat Feb 27 20:10:55 1999
Here's my personal hypothesis of why pyramids were all built with the
same basic shape:
Ancient civilizations were smarter than most people today
give them credit for. First of all, I believe the builders were
well aware of the simple dynamics of how steep a sand pile
could get before avalanching (or quickly learned this after a
major disaster or two). This determined the maximum angle for
which the sides of an extremely tall and massive structure
could be built safely without worrying about any limitations on
height, even if earth, irregular stones, or bricks were used.
Since square blocks are naturally best suited and simplist to
fabricate for building structures, naturally a structure built
with these blocks would tend to have square foundations as a
result. In order to achieve the highest elevations safely
without the extreme weight of the overlying blocks crushing the
ones below or causing the structure to avalanche, the structure
would need sloped walls.
My conclusion: Mankind's use of a simple law of 'sand pile
physics' combined with natural extentions of the basic shape of
the building blocks used resulted in the most probable shape
for a very tall and massive structure to be pyramid like. The
cardinal points (north, east, south, and west) would have
naturally been chosen to align the foundations and therefor the
entire pyramid like structure.
This is only my personal hypothesis concerning this
;-)) Liangcheng

Where Did The Idea For The Shape Of The Pyramids Come
by dreamline,
Sat Feb 27 21:54:30 1999
I tend to agree with that theory
Where Did The Idea For The Shape Of The Pyramids Come
by armaetno,
Tue Mar 2 16:07:52 1999
Guys: Gizza wasn't the only location where pyramids where build. Building
a pyramid wasn't an easy task; there are several case where the mighty
Egyptians failed (i.e. the "Bended Pyramid"). I bet the Incas and Mayas
also, ocasionally, had construction problems, as we do today. Armaetno

Where Did The Idea For The Shape Of The Pyramids Come
by kdigs,
Tue Mar 2 21:12:23 1999
armaetno is right, and although i am not an egyptologist either most of
my archaeology colleagues and i have theory, dates dont matter and location
dont matter, it was all a part of worship, they worshiped many differant
gods all over the world, and the pyramids point to the sky, its a symbol
sort of, and there are many "deformed" and unfinished pyramids in egypt,
i saw the bent one

Where Did The Idea For The Shape Of The Pyramids Come
by dreamline,
Wed Mar 3 19:44:14 1999
For those of you who have not started at the opening entries for this
topic, you may wish to do yourself a favor and do so. This topic is a
frivolous, light hearted entry intended for amusement only. Some people
get so serious! Thanks for all the fun! 
Where Did The Idea For The Shape Of The Pyramids Come
by moonlady,
Thu Mar 4 09:19:48 1999
I concur with kdigs theory that all pyramids point to the sky. Ancient
civilizations were closely linked to the passage of time, and time was
measured by celestial events and formations. Also, the sky was home to
many of the gods and one would ascend the pyramid (the stepped ones, anyway)
in order to take a gift to a god.
BTW there are no pyramids in Peru that I know of, Incan or
otherwise. There are a lot of other very interesting things,
though. At Macchu Pichu, both the temple of the sun and the
temple of the moon are at the highest place large enough and
flat enough for them to be built. However, there are a number
of terraces and buildings higher than the temples.
There is a mountain adjacent to Macchu Pichu where human remains were
found at a level quite a bit higher than the main site. I remember seeing
a TV show about this, probably on Discovery or Learning channel. The remains
were that of a young girl and it was hypothesized that she had been specially
chosen and carefully taken to the site, where she was ritually sacrified
to the gods. They believe she was of noble status or possibly elevated
to that status when selected for sacrifice, and that she had been drugged
and left on the mountain to die. The mountain is, of course, quite steep
and pointing to the sky. 
Where Did The Idea For The Shape Of The Pyramids Come
by kazuya,
Sun Mar 7 19:45:56 1999
I read it was so the pharoah could take his test to be accepted into heaven.
As he progresses he rises to the top, where its a tip. From there, his
final and uppermost point, he supposedly ascends to heaven.

Where Did The Idea For The Shape Of The Pyramids Come
by aijin,
Wed Mar 10 13:34:27 1999
Bye the bye; Japan has its own distinctive cat, the Japanese Bobtail.
I know I raise them. Egypt; Imhotep for pharoah Djoser. stick one mastaba
on top of another, and make each one slightly smaller and you have the
first pyramid. Cute but crazy idea. Next you will be telling me that kitties
taught humans to use language. Not too crazy that idea! LOL!!!! Cats do
civilize people. That is a fact.

Where Did The Idea For The Shape Of The Pyramids Come
by dreamline,
Sat Mar 13 12:25:50 1999
LOL!!!!!! At least someone else caught the joke, a lot of people thought
I was serious! 
Where Did The Idea For The Shape Of The Pyramids Come
by innerflame,
Sat Mar 13 21:30:40 1999
I and have read that Egyptian pyramids were made from a combination of
Moonlady and Aijin's theories.

Where Did The Idea For The Shape Of The Pyramids Come
by joesdiscoveryscreen,
Mon Mar 15 03:28:31 1999
Ok,, my idea of why the pyramids are shaped the way they are.. Ehem,,
(clearing my imaginary throat). Well first off, I myself believe there
was an ancient atmosphere that the Earth used to be surrounded by. A layer
of Water/ice which may have existed during the time of the pyramids, and
explains dinosaur lung capacity and answers many riddles including the
great flood. If this atmosphere did exist and was during the time of pyramids
first constructions, it would stand to reason that they perhaps were in
fear that the sky would fall on them, and they need a suitable protection
from this. There is a story about chicken little,, which may prove to
be older than imagined, and may even prove to be true,, at some point,
but for now,, I am sure I will be laughed at. However, none the less,
this is my idea and contribution to this topic. One day they will find
that the world was indeed covered in a layer of water, which protected
our earth from "free radicals" and "UV rays" and was the reaso n that
lifeforms were so large and had small lungs, and couldn't fly in our current
atmosphere if they did still exist. It will explain the great flood, and
perhaps,, as I have said, it may lead to the idea that the pyramids were
built for protection from the heavens,, from the sky falling..
Thank you PEACE+++

Where Did The Idea For The Shape Of The Pyramids Come
by joesdiscoveryscreen,
Mon Mar 15 09:21:57 1999
Oh,, geez almost fergot,, I found a way cool website that
describes the function of the Pyramid, or a very good theory
anyway,, which also deserves attention for anyone interested in
the pyramids... the web address is :
and it is a MUST SEE SITE!! It is amazing, and I am grateful that my friend
showed it to me,, and hopefully you will appreciate that I have mentioned
it to you.. PEACE++ again,, and good luck in finding the answers.. :)

Where Did The Idea For The Shape Of The Pyramids Come
by sammy76,
Wed Mar 17 18:30:17 1999
Chicken got a little and lost his head to the Kentucky kernal. My geometry
teacher got the idea.

Where Did The Idea For The Shape Of The Pyramids Come
by liangcheng,
Wed Mar 17 18:58:36 1999

Where Did The Idea For The Shape Of The Pyramids Come
by hutt,
Wed Mar 17 20:45:58 1999
I hope this will be of interest to everyone. I watched a show on the Discovery
Channel called "Egypt Uncovered". I also bought the book, so I am quoting
out of the book:
The pyramids were resurrection machines. The Egyptians
theory was that the at the beginning of the world, there was
only a watery void which was called Nun and it contained the
essence of all creation. Out of this arose a mound and on that
mound appeared the sun god Ra-Atum. From him the rest of
creation issued forth as he rose in the sky, only to plunge
back into the chaotic void with every sunset to be re-created
again. The Egyptians believed this happened continously, not
just once, but a never ending cycle and that by linking up with
this cosmic cycle they too could emerge reborn.
The pyramid was essentially this mound of creation, a
cocoon in which the king underwent the transformation or
re-creation into an eternal transfigured spirit called an akh.
Journeying to the sky, he was united with the gods and
resurrected each morning.
I paraphased the first paragraph but typed directly from
the book.
I hope this helps and is of interest. I highly recommend
this book for anyone interested in Egyptology. I am not as
smart as a lot of people in these discussions are but I could
not resist posting this as I thought this was very

Where Did The Idea For The Shape Of The
Pyramids Come From?
by hutt,
Wed Mar 17 20:46:38 1999
I hope this will be of interest to everyone. I watched a show
on the Discovery Channel called "Egypt Uncovered". I also
bought the book, so I am quoting out of the book:
The pyramids were resurrection machines. The Egyptians
theory was that the at the beginning of the world, there was
only a watery void which was called Nun and it contained the
essence of all creation. Out of this arose a mound and on that
mound appeared the sun god Ra-Atum. From him the rest of
creation issued forth as he rose in the sky, only to plunge
back into the chaotic void with every sunset to be re-created
again. The Egyptians believed this happened continously, not
just once, but a never ending cycle and that by linking up with
this cosmic cycle they too could emerge reborn.
The pyramid was essentially this mound of creation, a
cocoon in which the king underwent the transformation or
re-creation into an eternal transfigured spirit called an akh.
Journeying to the sky, he was united with the gods and
resurrected each morning.
I paraphased the first paragraph but typed directly from
the book.
I hope this helps and is of interest. I highly recommend
this book for anyone interested in Egyptology. I am not as
smart as a lot of people in these discussions are but I could
not resist posting this as I thought this was very

Where Did The Idea For The Shape Of The
Pyramids Come From?
by navarre7,
Fri Mar 26 20:56:22 1999
I thought Mice ruled the world?
Um here's my theory (could be others, haven't had time to
check it yet) Scientists in explaining the pyramid-like shapes
on Mars point back to naturally occuring sand pyramids. These
are made by wind and are quite small (on the planet Mars the
wind is a lot stronger causeing giant pyramids). Could this be
the original idea behind them? Simple is good :) 
Where Did The Idea For The Shape Of The
Pyramids Come From?
by javierd,
Wed Apr 7 16:16:44 1999
I found a very interesting info about this subject, there is a
book named "the prefilosophical tought" by H.A. Frankfort.
The first thing to note, is that every year Egipt is subject
to inundations, so all the land is is covered by a gret plain
of water. Then slowly, some hills here and there begin to
appear, and they are recieved as the promise for the renovation
of the new life.
And one of the myth of the creation (Egyptians ussually had
several myths for the same things) starts with a great plain,
and slowly apeared the first hill.
The hill of the creation.
And the pyramids are symbols of this hill, representing the
promise of the renewal of life.
Javier Delgado

Where Did The Idea For The Shape Of The Pyramids Come
by lonnieshiv,
Mon Apr 19 05:59:01 1999
dreamline that cat of yours is a real trouble maker
Where Did The Idea For The Shape Of The Pyramids Come
by armaetno,
Tue Apr 20 11:14:16 1999
Javier: The story of the "Egyptian Creation", reminds me a bit of the
Taínos' myth of the creation of man. Some researchers believe that
the belief that men came out of a cave in a mountain was the reason why
the Tainos' idols included many "three pointed stones" (Zemis). According
to this theory the central point represents the mountain from which men
emerged into the world. Despite this fact, there are no pyramids, nor
even remotely similar structures, in any site in the Caribbean islands.
Saludos, Armaetno 
Where Did The Idea For The Shape Of The Pyramids Come
by javierd,
Thu Apr 22 15:17:19 1999
interesting, mmh, maybe the diference was that to egyptians saw the hills
or mountains were a simbolr of rebirth.
What kinds of strucure are found in the Caribean? do youn
knwo something about this?
But who really knows, altought it is very fun to speculate

Where Did The Idea For The Shape Of The Pyramids Come
by armaetno,
Thu Apr 22 17:00:30 1999
Javier: The most significant prehispanic structures found in the Caribbean
are "bateyes" or ballcourts, where the Taíno played a game very
similar to the game played in Meso-Ammerica by the Mayas and Aztects.
However, the courts where much simpler. Large stones or boulders marked
the playing field. Most of the boulders had simple engravings (petrogliphs).
It is believed that the game was ado[pted by the Taíno thru some
type of contact with Meso-America, since the game is not found in Amazonia,
the area where the Taínos originated. Armaetno

Where Did The Idea For The Shape Of The Pyramids Come
by befehlshaber,
Tue Jun 1 05:23:33 1999
The shape of the pyramids came from the Egyptians observations of their
natural landscape. Such form was perceived to withstand the forces of
nature and the ravages of time. Perfect for their purpose of constructing
a resurrection machine built to last. What's that Arab saying? Something
to tyhe effect that "all things fear time, but time fears the pryamids."
Where Did The Idea For The Shape Of The Pyramids Come
by oni,
Sun Jun 6 10:50:32 1999
I've been told from my engineer friends that a pyramid is the most stable
structure design. I'm almost sure that the ancients knew this, and put
it into effect.
The pyramids from all over the world were incredible
structures for their time, considering that even a three story
structure was almost completely unheard-of.
just a thought :)

Where Did The Idea For The Shape Of The Pyramids Come
by javierd,
Sun Jun 6 21:00:59 1999
Yes but it took time to get the correct angle, there is one bend piramid,
with a change of angle (they started it too step), and there is another
pyramid that actually collapsed.
There is a lot of people that thinks that Egyptiasn
"suddenly" knew how to make pyrmids, but acually it took some
time to learn.
Javier Delgado

Where Did The Idea For The Shape Of The Pyramids Come
by oni,
Mon Jun 7 14:27:36 1999
I'm sure it did take time. Every invention in history has either taken
a lot of tries and mistakes, or was stumbled upon accidentally.
Also, I made a bit of a mistake. I was told that on a
larger scale dome structures are actually more stable than
pyramids, because they are self-supporting.

Where Did The Idea For The Shape Of The
Pyramids Come From?
by armaetno,
Mon Jun 7 19:49:34 1999
Hello Everyone: Monday June 7, 1999 10:30 PM EST. Just at this
very moment the History Channel (Sorry DC) is showing a program
("Pyramids") that shows the history and evolution of these
structures. Hope you can get to watch it. It seems very

Where Did The Idea For The Shape Of The Pyramids Come
by rocky5,
Sun Jun 20 11:45:21 1999
hi.. i've been reading all your messages, especially "the cat theory"
which i found very cute, but lately a programm on discovery channel, made
me wounder about the whole existence of the pyramids and the sphinx...
according to that programm, the great pyramids were built according to
the shape of the stars, a constellation called "the great giant" -or somthing
else, i can't recall the name- and it's possible that a civilisation lost
in time , around 10 000 b-c, built the sphinx, and not the egyptians,
so it's really becoming more and more confusing, this is prouved by the
ecological reports, and astronomy, it seems that the sphinx is built in
a way to face the sun on the day of the 21 of march, so the only time,
he would be facing in the same time the leo constellation(since he's built
on a leo shape) , would be around 10 000 b-c, same thing for the pyramids
concerning the "giant constellation"so... what is this great civilisation,
who managed such great monuments, in 10 000 b-c, a civilisation last in
Where Did The Idea For The Shape Of The Pyramids Come
by javierd,
Mon Jun 21 00:42:24 1999
hi rocky5,
would you join us in the "ancient civilizations" thread?
we have been busy discusing that hypotesis :)))
Javier Delgado

Where Did The Idea For The Shape Of The Pyramids Come
by armaetno,
Thu Jun 24 19:47:32 1999
Hello Everyone: A couple of days ago I was visiting my brother (a Civil
Engineer) and I bumped into a copy of the magazine "Civil Engineering"
(June 1999, Vol. 69, No. 6), which has the article "Project Management
B.C." by Craig B. Smith on how the pyramids at Giza were built. Naturally,
I "borrowed" the magazine (just for the next 20-30 years). So if you are
interested on learning how a modern engineer sees the construction of
the pyramids, I recommend the article.
Where Did The Idea For The Shape Of The Pyramids Come
by walley,
Fri Jun 25 08:01:29 1999
This article is mentioned in today's DCOL Newsbriefs. It is mentioned
that the pyramids were built quicker than estimated. How many months/year
of actual construcion was allowed for?

Where Did The Idea For The Shape Of The Pyramids Come
by javierd,
Fri Jun 25 17:39:06 1999
Can you comment on this, it sounds interesting.
in the web there is another study http://www.geocities.com/~menkaure/pyramid/index.htm
I would like to compare both.

Where Did The Idea For The Shape Of The Pyramids Come
by ufomind,
Thu Jul 8 16:54:17 1999
The Giant thing rocky5 was talking about is the constelation Orion.

Where Did The Idea For The Shape Of The Pyramids Come
by dreamline,
Fri Jul 9 19:34:08 1999
More spacifically, Orion's belt. And the sphinx was built to great the
rising of the sun through constellation of Leo. No new news here.

Where Did The Idea For The Shape Of The Pyramids Come
by dreamline,
Fri Jul 9 19:36:00 1999
Sorry, I'm half asleep. Great - greet

Where Did The Idea For The Shape Of The Pyramids Come
by coednakedjake,
Thu Jul 29 22:18:59 1999
This may be off the topic a bit, but I'm new at this, and I am really
curious. It has been determined that the pyramids of Egypt coincide with
the 3 stars in Orion's belt. These stars point to the North Star, the
brightest in Earth's sky. So, what were the Egyptians trying to signify,
or point out with the positions of the 3 pyramids? Could this have some
further earthly meaning?

Where Did The Idea For The Shape Of The Pyramids Come
by avernus,
Sun Aug 1 16:37:32 1999
Astronomical correlations are nearly impossible not to find. Speaking
of correlations my cat looks awfully like the sphinx, I wonder if there
is a connection.

Where Did The Idea For The Shape Of The Pyramids Come
by dreamline,
Tue Aug 3 15:15:04 1999
All cats resemble the Sphinx, Pat, and not many people need to make light
of it. However, there are inscriptions in the pyramids about Orion's belt
and how the Pharaoh becomes a star after death and joins in Orion's belt.
So :P
